The Xarxa Dragonera Blava promotes Marine Stewardship and Coastline Care

Through these actions, you can inspire change, instill a sense of responsibility and leave a positive legacy for generations to come

Posters and postcards have been distributed throughout the municipality with a QR code that gives access to an interactive PDF. | Save the Med Foundation


Marine Protected Areas are a great way to restore biodiversity - and the best way to manage them is locally, through community involvement. The Xarxa Dragonera Blava is a network that forges a connection between the natural space of the Andratx Municipality and the local population.

As concerns about ocean health grow, the concept of Marine Stewardship has emerged as a beacon of hope, empowerment and responsible practices that regenerate and protect the oceans. One critical aspect of this stewardship is the care of coastlines – the dynamic meeting point of land and sea.

During one of the Xarxa Dragonera Blava open forums, the community of Andratx has been involved in the creation and design of a “best practice” campaign to foster a sense of responsibility and the presence of custodians in coastline care.

The campaign, launched online and in paper form, includes messages for outdoor activities and sailing and water-based activities.

Posters and postcards have been distributed throughout the municipality with a QR code that gives access to an interactive PDF. The document contains beautiful illustrations by Oreja de Mar, detailing 27 best practices.

Below are some of the best practices for water based activities:

  • You are in a unique place: a Marine Protected Area. This area is protected by laws and regulations in order to protect the habitat.
    Learn these laws, and if you observe an activity that is not allowed and puts the ecosystem at risk, call 112 and report it.
  • Many marine species communicate through sounds. Noise (engine, music on board, etc.) disorients them and affects their health. Keep the volume down and limit loud engine revs.
  • Immerse yourself in the rhythm of the sea! Excessive boat speed puts the lives of humans and non-humans at risk! When sailing close to the coast or crossing the Freu de Sa Dragonera, do it carefully and do not exceed 6 knots.
  • We are fortunate enough to share the territory with amazing sea grass, Posidonia oceanica, also known as the “lungs of the Mediterranean”. Do not damage it, anchoring on it is forbidden by law!
  • The longer your boat is and the windier the conditions, the further you should anchor from the Posidonia meadow and the more chain you should let out to avoid damaging it. Anchor sensibly!

By taking into account these practices, you will be joining the custodians movement of the Andratx coastline, the Xarxa Dragonera Blava.

Through these actions, you can inspire change, instill a sense of responsibility and leave a positive legacy for generations to come.