Hayley's advent calendar collection has started!

Let's help Hayley and the gang put a smile on a child’s face this Christmas!

Hayley with her children Ruby, Katie and Joey.


Hayley Medlock, well known and loved by all she meets. I first met Hayley when her eldest daughter, Katie, and I starting hanging out after high school, I would say about 14/15 years ago. Hayley has always been the life of the party and such a generous and caring person, it didn't surpirse me when she started collecting Chrstmas advent calendars for the children's homes across the island.

Every year, this being the 8th year running, Hayley organises a collection of chocolate advent calendars for the children in the 40 children's homes in Mallorca. Her aim is to ensure that every child in each and every one of the children’s homes on this tiny island receives a calendar on December 1.

Joey and Ruby with some of the calendars donated last year!

Hayley says "The support over the years has been amazing and each year the target has been over-achieved and we/us/YOU have managed to supply the children’s homes, the food banks and the care homes with advent calendars."

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If you can spare a euro then pop a calendar into your shopping basket and drop it into one of the collection points below:

  • The Daily Bulletin Office - Paseo Mallorca 9a, Palma - 9am to 4pm ask for Cathy or Ashlee
  • Super yacht Uniform - Santa Catalina - Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
  • Unique Mallorca - El Toro - Mon-Fri 10am-2pm
  • Allen Graham Charity shop - Cas Catala - Mon-Sat 9.30am-1pm
  • Allen Graham Charity shop - Puerto de Pollensa Mon-Fri 10am-2pm
  • BIC school - San Agustin Mon-Fri school hours
  • I Love Fabrics - Son Caliu - Mon-Fri 10am-3pm
  • Tiny Town nursery - Palmanova Mon-Fri 8am-4pm contact Amy
  • Sunshine Fitness - Cala Egos - Mon,Tues,Thurs 7.30am-7.30pm Wed 7.30am-12.00om Fri 7.30am-7pm Sat,Sun 9am-12.30pm
  • Palmanova Padel Carrer Lleó (behind Jaume 1 school) Mon-Sat 9am-11pm
  • Universal Nautic - Son Bugadelles 36a (next to ice factory opposite Sunseeker)
  • Club de Mar medical office Mon-Wed 7.30am-2pm then from 13th Nov Mon-Fri 7.30am-2pm
  • Wilson's Bar - Can Pastilla (Calle Virgili 16d) 1pm-10pm except Tues closed
  • Elefante -Joan Miró 352 bajo (Sant Agusti) / Carrer de Dameto 2 (Santa Catalina) Mon -Fri 9am-4pm
  • Tobacos Estanco No 1 - Passeo del mar 16, Palmanova - Mon-Fri 9.30am-6pm

This year she is also helping the Allen Graham charity raise money for the older children. If you think you can help… please contact 636230673.

Let's help Hayley and her gang (Katie, Ruby, Joey and Ted!!) put a smile on a child’s face this Christmas!