A week of birthdays and celebrations

Portals People are always delighted to meet up and party and spirits were high!

Tracey Long's brilliant Burlesque Birthday Bash. | Laura Stadler


April is always a particularly exciting month as my many fellow Aries buddies like to celebrate their birthdays in style. It is bizarre how Aries people, recognised as being “fun, energetic, lively and passionate” souls appear to gravitate to each other. Thus, April is party season.

Mr. BCM’S Surprise Party

I really didn’t think it was possible to keep anything secret in Mallorca. So when super event manager Cleo Diamonte, insisted invited guests keep her man’s surprise birthday bash an absolute secret, I didn’t hold up much hope. But I of little faith, was proved totally wrong as incredibly Mr BCM, Gordon Phillips walked into his party with a look of utter shock. For once this party person who helped build BCM to remain one of Europe’s largest and most famous nightclubs, was at a loss for words.

Gordon Phillips all white 60th birthday bash at Bop.

His ever-resourceful long-time partner Cleo had managed to completely blindside him by secretly inviting not only all his Mallorca friends, but his son and old close buddies from England. Cleo had declared the theme a White Party. Thus the people watchers of Puerto Portals were surprised to note a snowy army heading to BOP to party.

White party with Sophie, Elizabeth and Cathy CEO of the fabulous Pirates extravaganza.

As an experienced DJ and music promoter, forever youthful Gordon is used to mingling with movers and shakers of the business world with confidence. However, it was a more subdued Gordon who surveyed the sunny terrace, gradually taking in so many who had gathered from near and far to celebrate his sixtieth. I admit this lady has always had a soft spot for Gordon’s good-natured, boyish charm. Always with a humorous hint of naughty. So it was a privilege to be part of the very special occasion. Needless to say, starting a 3pm the partying was still going strong at 3am.

Tracey Long's 60TH Burlesque

Why was there a trail of red and black feathers leading to the Secret Garden Portals Nous? Tracey Long had declared her 60th birthday bash to be in Burlesque.

Birthday girl Tracey far right with friends in the spirit of Burlesque.

This involved digging out old feather boas that shed their feathers with abandon like leaves in autumn. Portals People are always delighted to meet up and party and spirits were high. Add great venue and music and we had the perfect recipe for a mad, fun celebration.

Villa Dalia

The much-awaited opening of Mallorca’s new concept private business centre opened with the hugest party I have witnessed on the island. Over a thousand guests filled the guest list: and I figured each had brought a friend, and a friend of a friend. Thus, it was hard to meet many of the VIP’s who attended. Fortunately, I did spot the ever-beautiful model Ilona Novackova, who as an ambassador was able to introduce me around.

Beautiful Villa Dalía Ambassadors Francina Galmes Meliá , Martina Benvenutto and Ilona Novackova.

Built in 1923, the magnificent Mallorcan mansion has been lovingly restored to its former grandeur. With its guests in cocktail wear, filling its four floors of impressive structure, and ornate gold and red painted ceilings, it was difficult to imagine that it was a former brothel. The rooms are now packed with glorious artwork with fantastic pieces of sculpture from more than thirty artists.

Movers and shakers at Villa Dalía, Miguel Such with his girlfriend, Ilona, Lolo Garner, Paola Ribero.

The exclusive private club in Terreno, is hailed to be “where networking and art merge”. It intends to open a cultural and artistic program with exhibitions changing every three of four months. It will also enable members to have conferences and entertain clients in the most elegant of settings.