Yacht Business Focus in Mallorca

Ahoy from Mallorca: Charting Helen Stachini's yachting journey

Originally started in the hospitality industry and worked on the QE2 cruise ship and superyachts

British Helen has lived in Mallorca for twenty years. | Erica Lay


Each week Erica Lay, owner of EL CREW CO International Yacht Crew Agency talks to people in the local yachting community. For more info on any of our stars featured here, you can contact Erica directly on erica@elcrewco.com

Today I’m speaking with Helen Stachini, Owner of HS Yacht Services and co-owner of Mats & Flags. British Helen has lived in Mallorca for twenty years.

What attracted you to the island? What do you like about living here?

Having lived abroad and travelled since the age of 19, I wanted a home. I wanted to continue working with yachts, but also wanted to have all my things in once place. The thing I love most about Mallorca is the natural beauty, the sea, the climate and the multicultural vibe it has. There are people from all over the world here.

What’s the hardest thing about living in Mallorca?

Without a doubt: the amount of paperwork and tax.

What’s your background before you set up your business?

I started my business at the beginning of 2021. I had been working in the refit and maintenance sector of the industry previously and loved it. I formed solid relationships with many clients and companies whilst working for a refit company and some of them I still work with today. Prior to this I worked in yacht recruitment, but originally started in the hospitality industry and worked on the QE2 cruise ship and superyachts.

What does your business do?

I have a recommended services business, so I offer personal shore-side support for yachts; mainly refit services but I help with many other things too. The companies I work with not only produce good workmanship but are good people too. It’s a pleasure for me to generate business for the companies I have collaborations with, knowing my clients are going to be in good hands. My business objective is to provide a great service by saving the yacht valuable time and often money too by connecting them to the right people. I collaborate with Carpenters, varnish specialists, metal workers, upholstery specialists, scaffolders, painters, polishers, air conditioning, professional cleaners and more. You need it? I’ll source it. I also have another business with my good friend and work colleague Melanie Winters: Mats and Flags. Welcome mats with logos for yachts and businesses, and bespoke yacht flags. It´s something everyone needs, and we now have an online shop.

What’s your USP (unique selling point)?

After 20 years of being here I have a wealth of contacts that Captains and heads of department need. I take my job seriously and will always go the extra mile to ensure the best experience is received. I am sincere and have integrity and I really care about my clients and what I do.

Any achievements or special things stick out?

Oh I have a few. I've survived quite a lot over the years! I'm very proud that I started my own business. Being self-employed in Spain is a challenge to say the least but it has worked from day one and continues to grow. I am also proud I learnt Spanish, which took a very long time and certainly makes for an easier life.

What’s the best thing about your job? What do you enjoy most?

Happy clients! I enjoy working with professional people and a job well done. I love the variety of jobs I am asked to help with. Once a Captain asked me if someone could crack open 2 safes that had been locked for some time with no paperwork or code. Yep, that one was a NO. You could call Ocean’s Eleven?

What would you like to do next?

My main objective is to continue growing my company in Mallorca but I do want to explore other areas in Spain too.

If you could have any yacht in the world for a day, which one would you pick?

I’m quite happy with a kayak if I’m honest, which I will be rowing this summer. If I had to choose a yacht for the day it would have to be a big yacht, as moments are best shared and I would take a lot of friends and family. So maybe MY Eclipse in Tahiti. When I was on the QE2 we went to Tahiti and I remember the colours were just so vibrant and the men wore sarongs. That would do!

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I swim most mornings before work, currently in a pool but I'm looking forward to swimming at sunrise again at my local beach. Above everything, I love being with friends, they are worth their weight in gold. I also love camping, live music and traveling.

  • Helen Stachini (+34) 661 115 534
  • Helen.hsys@gmail.com
  • www.hsyachtservices.com
  • info@matsandflags.com