Top trick to keep the mosquitoes away this summer

This solution is positioned as a natural substitute for store-bought products found in supermarkets


The arrival of the hot weather also attracts some undesirable visitors: mosquitoes. To avoid the presence of these insects in our homes there are many homemade tricks, such as the one shared by tiktoker Maestra Jacobina, who has 3.1 million followers.

This tip can be used to repel mosquitoes, ants and cockroaches. It is a homemade formula based on just three ingredients: hot water, vinegar and essential oil of the scent of your choice, such as lavender, peppermint, or camomile infusion.

The key is to immerse the mop in this mixture and mop the floor with this "at least once a week", says Maestra Jacobina in the text accompanying the video.

The tiktoker also indicates the amount of water and vinegar to use to make this trick as effective as possible. In a mop bucket filled with hot water, add "1/4 to 1/2 cup of vinegar".

@alacocinaconjacobina Tip para ahuyentar mosquitos u otros insectos mis hijos. Yo les recomiendo trapear el piso al menos 1 vez a la semana con estos ingredientes más inofensivos para los que tienen pequeños o mascotas en casa. A ponerlo en práctica mis hijos! ☺️ Pasos: 1. Poner agua caliente con 1/4 a 1/2 taza de vinagre 2. Agregar 1 cda de esencia de su preferencia para amenizar el aroma 3. Dejar el trapeador 1 minuto en la mezcla para que absorba #alacocinaconjacobina #tipdelacocinaconjacobina #tipdelimpieza #insectos ♬ sonido original - Maestra Jacobina

Since ‘the reaction of the hot water with the vinegar makes a very strong-smelling emulsion that is going to stay on the floor’, one way to avoid this smell is to add "a spoonful" of essence, "so that it doesn't smell like pure vinegar, because the smell lasts quite a while".

The next step is to put the mop in the bucket and leave it for a few minutes so that "it soaks in really well". Then just wring out the excess liquid and mop the floor in the normal way.

According to Maestra Jacobina, "if you do this treatment at least every 15 days or every week, your flat will always be disinfected".

According to the TikToker, the homemade formula includes ingredients that are "less harmful to households with small children or pets." It's positioned as a natural substitute for store-bought products found in supermarkets.