Aerial view of Puerto Portals. | T. AYUGA


In the world of superyachts, stewardesses play a pivotal role in ensuring the comfort and satisfaction of guests. Navigating guest requests with grace is an art that requires a combination of excellent service skills, proactive thinking, and a positive attitude. Whether it’s a private yacht or a charter, the interior team can make or break a trip. Here's a guide for new stewardesses on handling guest requests with finesse to create an exceptional onboard experience.

Anticipate needs proactively:

The key to stellar guest service is anticipating needs before they are expressed. Pay attention to subtle cues, preferences, and patterns, enabling you to address requests before guests have to ask. Some yachts have bibles of information on their guests, so if this is available use it. If it’s not, then build one for the next time they’re on board. E.g. the boss likes a very particular coffee at a certain time daily, or the repeat charter guests enjoy having activities planned for the children etc.

Active listening:

When guests do express their preferences or requests, practice active listening. This involves fully concentrating, understanding, and responding thoughtfully to their needs, ensuring they feel heard and valued. Even though you may have a thousand other things you need to do, be patient.

Familiarise yourself with preferences

This is a bit like anticipating the guests’ needs proactively, but do maintain a thorough understanding of each guest's preferences, from dietary restrictions to preferred amenities. Keep a detailed log or use technology to store information, making it easier to personalize service during their stay.

Stay calm under pressure:

In the fast-paced world of superyachts, unexpected challenges can and do often arise. Train yourself to stay calm under pressure, addressing guest concerns with a composed and reassuring demeanour. This will instill confidence in your ability to handle any situation. If you’re not sure, then follow your Chief Stew’s lead.

Prioritise safety and discretion:

Guest safety is paramount, and discretion is crucial. Ensure that safety measures are prioritised while respecting the privacy of the guests. A discreet and professional approach will build trust and enhance the overall guest experience.

Effective communication:

Maintain clear and open communication with the rest of the crew. This ensures that everyone is aware of guest preferences and can work together seamlessly to fulfill requests. Communication is key to delivering a cohesive and high-quality service. Especially in the interior team, this means talking to the galley team to ensure you’re working in harmony to ensure great food service.

Swift and efficient response:

Respond to guest requests swiftly and efficiently. Whether it's extra housekeeping or laundry requests, arranging activities, or addressing concerns, a prompt response demonstrates dedication to guest satisfaction. Be present!

Flexibility and adaptability:

Be adaptable to changing circumstances and guest dynamics. Flexibility is a valuable asset in the yachting industry, allowing you to adjust to the ever-evolving preferences and needs of your guests. And be aware, that they can and will change plans last minute and you will have to just go with the flow and manage the situation. It might be changing meal times, or adding extra guests, or even deciding they’re no longer going off the boat for lunch, they’re having it on board… that’s always a fun one for the chefs so be supportive and accommodating to your whole team.

Graceful problem-solving:

Approach challenges with a positive and solution-oriented mindset. Instead of viewing issues as obstacles, see them as opportunities to showcase your problem-solving skills, turning potential negatives into positives. These situations are sent to try us, after all, so let’s club together and make everything go successfully!

Seek feedback and learn:

After fulfilling a request, seek feedback from guests to understand their level of satisfaction – I don’t mean asking them for a full on assessment, I mean a simple question “Is your coffee ok? Is there anything else I can get you?” . This not only helps you refine your service by opening a potential conversation, but also shows guests that their opinions are valued, contributing to an atmosphere of genuine hospitality.

Handling guest requests with grace is an essential skill for stewardesses seeking success in the superyacht industry. By combining proactive anticipation of needs, active listening, effective communication, and a positive attitude, new stewardesses can create an onboard experience that exceeds guest expectations. Remember, each guest interaction is an opportunity to leave a lasting impression, and by approaching requests with professionalism and genuine hospitality, you contribute significantly to the overall enjoyment of the yacht journey for them – and let’s face it, could make your charter tip even bigger….