Inclusive Mallorca

Mallorca accepts everyone without judgement

Inca’s Pride celebrations this month. | T. AYUGA


To be fair, most tourists seeking ‘all inclusive’ holidays, flock to Mallorca in search of sun, sand and sangria. And why not? As well as multicultural interest across the arts, global gastronomy and an enviable landscape including towering mountains and sweeping valleys, the island also boasts idyllic coves and sandy, golden beaches bathed in glorious sunshine throughout summer! This publicised Mediterranean climate was also one of the prime reasons we moved here in the first place, yet with twenty years under our belts, those ‘scorchio’ summers are not met with the same enthusiasm as before, and as the hottest season hovers on the horizon, I welcome every cooling cloud and billowing breeze going!

This year we have been quite lucky to date, already halfway through July and the real ‘scorchio’ season has only just kicked in. The big duvet came off months ago, but the evenings, until recently, have been decidedly cooler and devoid of those airless, insufferable temperatures which claim the island’s evenings until the early hours, when the sun rises once more, and the ‘calor’ cycle starts building all over again. Phew! Even the locals complain, so no need for the tourist trolls and serial commentators to get on board and suggest that wingeing Brits and ex-pats all go home. Just saying!

So, what’s to be done? Like EVERYONE living on the island, we simply manage those fiery months ahead, flick on the fans, and try to keep the air con to a minimum, because although we can’t live without it, living with constant air conditioning is not such a good idea in the health department!
As July literally steams towards August, many island workers are already thinking about their traditional, summer break, when many businesses simply ‘shut shop’ for the hottest month and head to the coast. Yet fear not! Despite the heat and holiday fever, the island stays very much ‘alive’, with generic fiestas continuing to shine, focusing mainly on music and the arts, alongside acknowledging local fishermen and ancient island customs.

Mallorcans love a fiesta in all its forms, along with any excuse to hit the town in party mode, regardless of the weather. The beauty of ‘fiesta fever’ is that the locals like to celebrate everything, from the opening of a garage door to the showcasing of a local mushroom! There is a celebration for almost ‘everything’, because that’s what Mallorca does. She embraces a colourful, cultural diversity which celebrate a spectacular variety of interests and personal lifestyle choices.

As an open culture, nothing seems to phase the Mallorcans. Like Spain, they are notably inclusive, and totally supportive of ALL human right movements, celebrating the freedom of ‘living’ in all its forms. Their attitude is super stellar.

Recently, in my home-town of Mancor de la Vall, the annual local fiestas included unquestionable support against violence towards women, alongside a queer friendly alliance to ‘Love Whoever You Want!’ – ‘Estima a qui vulguis!’ And, of course, living your life honestly and authentically will always be something to shout about!

The present month of July also sees the rainbow celebrations of PRIDE in Inca. How wonderful, that on such a small, inclusive island like Mallorca, we can openly accept and joyously celebrate alternative lifestyle choices, while other, powerful, leading nations still frown upon, and in some cases BAN individuals from their given right to be themselves, without apology, and live their life to the full. But then that’s all thanks to the diversity of modern Mallorca which has been celebrating PRIDE across the island for months!

These days there are so many different lifestyle choices, all vying to live alongside each other in peace and complete harmony. And thankfully, Mallorca accepts everyone without judgement. I recently read about ‘abrosexual’ which is a totally new one to me. Back in the day we only had gay, lesbian and vegetarians. Now we have LGBTQ and X’tra large with a whoppa, along with pescatarians and vegans, all celebrated with pride, throughout summer on our wonderful sunshine isle of acceptance. That’s REAL diversity for you! With all the hate going on in the world, along with the haters who can’t wait to shed their feeble negativity on everything, I can’t think of a nicer, more positive place to live than somewhere as ‘inclusive’ as MALLORCA. And that doesn’t simply mean a place where a plastic wristband is worn and all meals, discos and drinks are free. Inclusive has a much wider meaning!