Daily Horoscope

What does your horoscope say about you today: Wednesday, November 20

Today could be stressful if we're unwilling to be flexible or cooperative with others


Today could be stressful if we're unwilling to be flexible or cooperative with others. On a similar note, for those of us who struggle with saying "no" or setting boundaries, the current cosmic weather may prove to be challenging as well. To avoid potential frustration or drama, we should ascertain when it's best to make a stand and when it might be better to be more understanding and go with the flow. On a positive note, today's planetary power can be useful if we're in need of self-confidence, determination or more passion.

(March 21 to April 19)
Don't follow the crowd; follow your heart instead.

(April 20 to May 20)
You may be dealing with the pressure of added responsibilities or work. Find a healthy outlet to deal with stress or discomfort.

(May 21 to June 20)
Avoid petty arguments or stirring the pot. Put your voice and mental energy toward something more constructive.

(June 21 to July 22)
You may need to advocate for yourself or something you want. Keep trying until you get a "yes."

(July 23 to Aug. 22)
Pick and choose your battles. Don't allow anyone to rope you into their drama or bring you down with their negativity.

(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
Take a time-out and rest. Avoid pushing yourself too hard.

(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
Nix the DIY approach and get the help or support you need.

(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
Be confident in your abilities. Beware of self-doubt.

(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
Don't ruminate on things you can't control or be too narrow-minded. Try to consider a different perspective when dealing with issues that come up.

(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
Merging your talents or resources with another could pay off for you.

(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
You can't control the behavior or actions of others, but you can control what you do.

(Feb. 19 to March 20)
You may have a task that seems daunting or impossible. Start small and keep working until you get where you want to be.


You're a forward-thinking and imaginative soul with a talent for inspiring and teaching others while also improving the world. You're always seeking ways to expand and grow as a person. No matter where life takes you, you're always up for an adventure or a learning experience. Still, there may be times when you may need to avoid taking on more than you can handle. However, with an optimistic attitude and good luck on your side, there's barely anything you can't accomplish. This year, the passion and enthusiasm you've been missing lately begin to return. Go where your heart takes you!