What does your horoscope say about you today: Friday, December 6

While the planet of drive and ambition is in hibernation over the next two months, we may experience a noticeable decrease in our motivation


Today marks the start of the Mars retrograde. While the planet of drive and ambition is in hibernation over the next two months, we may experience a noticeable decrease in our motivation. It may take a Herculean effort to get anything accomplished now, especially with the industrious planet Mercury also in retrograde. However, the first half of the day can be productive if we enlist the help of a team. Toward the evening, the vibes turn moody, which might put a damper on potential plans.

(March 21 to April 19)
What used to work for you in the past may not work for you now when it comes to entertainment. Explore new options, but don't overindulge.

(April 20 to May 20)
Old issues could come bubbling to the surface, possibly related to your family or home. You'll have to tap into your inner reserves to resolve them.

(May 21 to June 20)
You may need to put a project on hold or push back a deadline. Negotiations could stall as well. Try to be patient. Avoid petty drama, too.

(June 21 to July 22)
Watch out for unexpected expenses that could put a drain on your wallet. If money is owed to you, it could be slow to arrive. Conserve your coins.

(July 23 to Aug. 22)
You might not like being told "no," but you'll have to accept it. Attempting to force the outcome you want can create more problems than necessary.

(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
If you're feeling more rundown than usual, take it as a sign to take a time-out. Take extra care of your mind and body, too. Slow down.

(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
Social fatigue could be problematic for you; you may need to prioritize your me-time. Reassessing your goals can be beneficial, too.

(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
Your confidence in your work might be running low, or you may feel like you're not getting the recognition you deserve. Reconnect with your purpose.

(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
Before you leap into your next adventure, you may need to finish what you've already started or come up with a more realistic plan of action.

(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
It may be time to deal with an issue you've been avoiding, like how to deal with negative feelings. Additionally, avoid risky financial investments.

(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
Quarrels with others may be frustrating right now. How well you deal with conflict will determine the outcome.

(Feb. 19 to March 20)
Be mindful of overworking yourself to the point of burnout. Be more thoughtful about the projects you take on and the time they require.

Whatever challenges stand in your way, you will always cleverly find your way around them. You're independent, free-spirited and passionate. You prefer to do things your way; however, when you are open enough to partner with others, you can reach new heights. Since you love intellectual engagement, you may find yourself gravitating to books, conversations, films and other experiences that allow you to feed your mind. Being active might also be appealing to you. This year, you may need to look before you leap so you can make sure you're on the right path.