Sending flowers with our florist in Palma is a guarantee of quality and peace of mind. We work for all types of occasions, such as Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, Mother’s Day, flowers for yachts, weddings, and funerals. If you are looking for something unique to give as a gift, we can help. Our flowers are unique in Palma de Mallorca.

In addition, our location in Palma allows us to make same-day deliveries within the city. To place an order, you can do so through WhatsApp, by calling us, or by visiting our shop located inside the famous Santa Catalina Market in the heart of the Santa Catalina neighbourhood in Palma.

We are available by phone at any time, and we want to be there for you when you need us the most. We hope to become your go-to florist in Palma de Mallorca. Call us at +34 615 23 48 58, see our website www.fleursantacatalina.com or visit us in Santa Catalina. Opening hours 7am to 3pm (Monday to Saturday).
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