Jason Momoa filming in Mallorca

Jason Momoa in Puerto Soller. | Julián Aguirre


American actor Jason Momoa is in Mallorca to film a documentary about psicobloc.

The star of Aquaman and series such as Game of Thrones is on the island with his good friend Chris Sharma, an expert in psicobloc. With a film crew, they will be setting out each day from Puerto Soller in search of the most challenging rockfaces to climb on the Tramuntana coast. The filming has to be done from the sea. For the documentary, Momoa will be clinging to cliffs before jumping into the water.

Following the first day of shooting, Momoa and the crew returned to Puerto Soller, where he was recognised by three women. He declined their request for a selfie, they shouting "guapoooo!" at him. He replied "Gracias".