Rafa Nadal gives approval for his statue in Manacor

It will look towards the family home

The square where the statue will be located. | Maria Nadal


The mayor of Manacor, Miquel Oliver, has met Rafael Nadal to discuss the proposed statue to him in the square with the royal palace and which would look towards the family home. Nadal was shown the sketch of the statue and is said to like it and to welcome the proposal.

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Although the sketch has not yet been made public, it is known that it features Rafa Nadal sitting on the wall that surrounds the olive tree together with a figure representing Nadal as a young boy. Being seated, it shows him at a break during a match. At the foot of the statue, it is understood, there will be bottles, placed as he would have them for a match. An inscription will highlight his values, such as effort and perseverance.

Oliver says that the procedures will now start to select "the artist who will be in charge of making the sculpture", which will be made of bronze. The town hall will be paying for the statue, the cost of which is as yet unknown.