Rafa Nadal reveals his human side in rare TV interview

New series of interviews on Balearics IB3 channel

Rafa Nadal will give a rare TV interview on Friday night. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


Mallorca tennis legend Rafael Nadal is going to be the first guest on a new series of interviews, El meu racó favorit (My favourite corner) on the local Balearic TV channel IB3 tomorrow (Friday) night at 22.20.

Nadal, who is still recovering from a hip injury in time for the French Open, reveals his most personal side for the first time in the series produced by S’Esclop.

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During the interview with Llum Barrera he not only talks about his professional career, but his hobbies, his feelings and emotions and reveals a number of anecdotes.

The interview has not been filmed in a studio but in one of the Nadal’s most favourite and comfortable locations and Barrera will be accompanied by the journalists Xisco Umbert as they delve into the more personal side of the tennis star.