Editorial: The Kyle files


Midday Magalluf. I had arranged to meet Jeremy Kyle and his ITV crew outside BCM. I don´t know what I was expecting. But there was no-one waiting at the meeting point. Minutes later a blue van with blacked-out windows pulled up and a camera man and a researcher jumped out. The Kyle team had arrived. As a result of his popularity Kyle has to keep a low profile otherwise he would be mobbed by his fans. He couldn´t even get out of the van because of the “selfie hunters.”  The interview for the latest edition for the Kyle File on Magalluf had been agreed weeks before  but finding a part of Magalluf where Jeremy Kyle could  interview me was no easy task because of his massive  fan base. But in the end we discovered the right spot just off the main promenade on Magalluf and the interview took place. Kyle wanted to know my views on Magalluf and its  outrageous image. My view is that only Punta Ballena, the infamous strip, has a problem. The rest of  Magalluf is fine. He was also interested to hear whether the new legislation which has been introduced, including a night curfew on drinking alcohol on the street, has made any difference. I said that so far we had noticed a drop in the number of incidents but like many others, I was rather sceptical. The last  time Kyle was in Magalluf he had to leave because of a “pepper spray attack...,” he has returned but I do not believe that his Magalluf programme will hold many surprises.