You’re fired


Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate has not apologised or even attempted to backtrack on his comments regarding banning entry into the United States for Muslims. It was an outrageous statement which not only provoked world outcry but it will also be seen as a major propaganda victory for Islamic State. What concerns me is how a man who is running for one of the top jobs in the world can make such a statement. And what worries me even more is that there will be a small section of the electorate in the United States who will support him. We are living in dangerous times and the western world is now involved in air strikes in Syria against Islamic State. The western world needs to build an international coalition including many members of the Arab world to fight Islamic State. Any idea of a lasting coalition will be instantly ruined by such comments from a man who wants to be Commander in Chief of the world’s biggest military. But Trump has gone even further by claiming that parts of London and Paris are "overrun" with Muslim radicals. Mr. Trump I don’t think you are in any position to make such comments. The best thing you can do is forget your political career because you are not fit for purpose. I would urge the Republican Party to drop him once and for all before he does any more damage and offends any more people. In the words of the Apprentice TV programme: Trump you're fired!