The letter to the editor which we publish today makes some good points about the problems of Majorca becoming an international cycling holiday destination. Now obviously the letter is a personal view penned by a Bulletin reader and I think I should underline the fact that cycling tourism is vital for the local economy and that the majority of cyclists do follow the law and try and cause as little disruption as possible. But I also do not believe that Majorca is prepared for cycling tourism on this scale. There are still too few cycle tracks and I think that the local police should be more active in dealing with some of the problems which a small number of cyclists cause, such as riding three abreast. Perhaps cyclists could also be reminded about the laws of the road in Majorca. The local authorities also need to prepare the island for our two-wheeled friends. Many believe that cycling forms part of the future of Majorcan tourism. Yes, they are probably right but the island must be prepared.

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* Letters to the Editor