Election Part 2


I sincerely hope that the main Spanish political parties are not looking upon the forthcoming second general election as a re-run of the first. As we all know the December poll ended in stalemate leaving the country without a government. The latest opinion poll says that the June election could have a similar result with none of the four main parties getting a majority. In fact it could mean that three parties will be needed to form a coalition with a majority in parliament. This is a nightmare scenario and would mean more political uncertainty which could dent Spain´s economic recovery. The four parties, the centre right Partido Popular, the conservative Ciudadanos, the Spanish Socialist Party and the anti-austerity Podemos need to get into full election swing and try and convince voters that they are worthy of their vote. I suspect that the improving economic situation will mean more votes for the Partido Popular, while a rise in support for Ciudadanos would mean that they would have an ideal bed-fellow to form a coalition. But this was the script last time. The Spanish Socialist Party are expected to come second behind the Partido Popular but well short of a majority, and the chances of them being able to form a coalition are slim indeed. I think the Partido Popular made a mistake by keeping acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy as leader. A new face was needed and I suspect that would have improved their chances at the ballot box.