Wrong poll


If you follow the opinion polls in Britain, you will see that the United Kingdom is going to leave the European Union by a landslide, stay in the European Union by a landslide or that the two sides are neck and neck. Unfortunately, you can't believe the opinion polls any longer. The same pollsters said that there would be a hung parliament at the last British general election and that the Scottish referendum result was too close to call.

So why are the pollsters getting it so wrong? Well it appears highly likely that those who are being polled are being rather economical with the truth. They are saying one thing and voting for the other. I do not believe that Britain is about to leave the European Union: all the mainstreams parties are backing "stay". But what worries me about opinion polls is the damage they can cause. A poll which points to a negative outcome can lead to a slide in the value of sterling and knock billions of the FTSE 100. But trust in the polls is in serious decline. In fact, I think people are rather sceptical of them because of their failures of the past. The only opinion poll which correctly (almost) forecast the right result was the BBC exit poll in the British general election last year.

Perhaps pollsters should consider a different system because the ones they are using at the moment are certainly not working. Perhaps the best way is to look at the opinion polls and think of the result in reverse. At least that way you could be right.