British economy and Brexit


Perhaps a reality check is needed in the European Union referendum debate. Britain has the fifth largest economy in the world (the second in Europe) and all this would be put at risk if the country votes to leave on Thursday. The value of sterling against the euro would fall making holidays far more expensive for Britons. These are facts. This is not a case of scaremongering. The International Monetary Fund has said that a British exit would lead to a big reduction in the size of the British economy.

It is quite incredible that some polls point to the Leave camp winning. There is a rather romantic vision that if Britain leaves the European Union the great will be put back into Great Britain. Sincerely, I do not think that the Great ever went away. Britain is a modern European country which is still a leading power on the world stage. Britain should embrace Europe and try to change the European Union from within and not from the outside. The economic factors certainly add up.