No more moaning about the season


I think we all sometimes need a gentle reminder that we all live from tourism on this island. At this time of the year you always hear the moans and groans about too many people around Palma, too many rent-a-cars on the roads and the beaches being overcrowded. No, moans please, it is our livelihood. If the beaches were not crowded at this time of the year, we would have a big problem. The fact that there are 60,000 hire cars on the road is just another insight into the great holiday season. Palma is now an international cruise ship centre and of course the streets of the capital are packed. And yes it's hot; if it wasn't, then it wouldn't be Majorca. After all we are visited by all these thousands of tourists for a good reason.

It must be said, though, that this season is slightly different to previous years. The ongoing security concerns in north Africa and the eastern Mediterranean have meant that even more tourists have come to the island this year. They had been booked to go to other resorts but in the end they came here. This is one of the reasons why there are so many different nationalities. Years ago it was the Germans and the British who ruled supreme. Not this year. Palma has a very international feel, which underlines the fact that this island has become a world holiday destination. So no grumbles or moans. The thousands of tourists on the island at the moment will mean that we can have a quiet and easy winter with no worries.