The European debate
10/09/2016 00:00
For the majority of British residents in Spain, the referendum result was a big shock. Let us remember that thanks to Britain’s EU membership we enjoy certain privilages in Spain - from the vote in local elections to "non-work permit status." Since the referendum result things have started to settle down, leaving some to come to the conclusion that the result will not really affect us. I am afraid to say that this is not the case. Britain hasn’t even started negotiating yet and if anyone believes that they will enjoy the same status as they have now, they are sadly mistaken.
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Remember the PM MAY or MAY not invoke Article 50, because she was a REMAIN supporter. If and when the UK starts the legalities to leave the EU. This process will take at least two years, I suspect more. Also, UK MAY have another Referendum in say five years!!.
Jesus wept, man. You are a grand-master in stating the bleeding' obvious.
Jason - re the Brexit result, you have no more idea about what will and what will not happen in the future than anyone else. Nothing has been decided yet - and I daresay you will NOT be the first to know.