17/01/2017 00:00
I have made my thoughts on Brexit very clear in this space over the last few months, but for once I am willing to give the British government the benefit of the doubt. Theresa May is right to pull Britain out of the single market because otherwise Britain would have to continue with open borders and follow instructions from the European Court of Justice and to some extent the European parliament. It is a bold move which could have big consequences for the British economy but at least there is now some clarity.
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Full marks to the PM, and full marks to the DB's Editor. A good revised opinion and comment today. There is still a long negotiating road to take,before the UK disconnects completely from the EU. Now,all those that want to continue trading with the UK,can make their own arrangements. (Outside the single market.). If Countries an businesses want to deal with the UK, then they must make immediate arrangements, before the UK starts to deal with a free Global Market. Otherwise,they will be left behind.
Masochism takes a firm grip again with Little Britain
After following stories printed since Britex and wondering why so much has been published against it i'm wondering why the change of heart ? British people are fed up of being in the EU as Donald trump said the EU is just a vehicle for the Germans. All this free movement of people does nothing for any countries security. Reading this paper just proves it by all the drug prostitution and muggings going on and it is out of control. People can commit crimes in their own contries and then just go and live in another country and start all over again.
Finally you get it. Classic U turn, but is it for real or are you finally waking up to the views of your readers, or what? Comments everyone :]