Power to the regions
19/03/2017 00:00
May you live in interesting times, goes the famous expression. Looking at Britain from the shores of Majorca you get the impression that the country is almost in meltdown. Not only does prime minister Theresa May face long and complicated negotiations with the European Union she also has to keep Northern Ireland and Scotland onside.
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And why does England not have its separate representative body? Why should Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have both MPs in Westminster and their own leglislative bodies but England only has MPs in Westminster together wth the regions?
Did I miss the renaming of the Mallorca Bulletin to the "Brexit reporter for amateurs" ?
There you go running the UK down again,why don't you stick to reporting and commenting on events in Majorca.? We are not in meltdown or anything remotely like it and May seems to be more than up to the job,which is more than Gordon Brown was,we don't need advice from ex-Prime Ministers,especially from the likes of Blair and Brown. You might just have heard that power-sharing has collapsed in Northern Ireland so more power there is not the solution. We voted out,and out means out,not a bit in and a bit out.We will do just fine outside the massively corrupt EU.
Sorry Jason, but your suggestion is, in my opinion, not only ridiculous, but unworkable. Spain is proof that it won't work and not that it will, whatever your friends from Mes say.