30/04/2017 00:00
On Friday night I was having dinner at a restaurant in Palma. A couple sat at the next door table and when they were asked what language they would like their menu in they replied Scottish! I grinned and the waiter looked amazed. Moments later my telephone rang and I answered in English. When I finished the call, my Scottish neighbour leaned over and apologised for the "menu business". "No problem," I replied and he went on to say "sorry, thought you were Spanish". I laughed and said, I thought you were English.
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"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all" Noam Chomsky
Ooops, Masochism allert! And it looks like the turkeys will vote for Xmas again in the UK general election.
Very interesting comment from someone who's government is controlled by wealthy hoteliers and whose record of corruption is simply amazing.
MelB: one of the most intelligent and pertinent comments made in quite some time. The political system is being held together by a shoe string, corruption is still rife, and hand-outs to un-deserving and non-contributing "citizens" is probably higher than in the UK, whilst taxation on people who actually do work for a living for pitiful salaries, definitely is. We won´t even talk about what it entails to start a business and then run it, and then be treated as good as criminals by the local and central government.And now the UK is being treated like a pariah state by the Spanish Government (and a majority of its population) for expressing, under our own free will, something that not many other countries in the EU would dare to do, especially not Spain, to leave a soon to become a federal "united" states of Europe, forgetting that we contributed billions of euros to the common good, especially Spain´s.Can we have our money back please ?.
It would be more helpful to have an in depth editorial dealing with the precarious situation Spain is in, due to its enormous debt levels; levels maintained by the way to keep Spain subserviant to the master Germany, and to boost the German economy. The possible impact of this on our lives(and pensions) here would be far more beneficial than U.K. bashing.
So, did your Scottish correspondents vote for independence and the EU or not ?
Here you go again,knocking the UK,the UK is at it's best in adversity and the EU are going to make it hard for us,if only to deter others from jumping ship,we all know that but that can work both ways,don't forget that. We will be better of out of the corrupt EU and will prosper,together.