What a silly man and what a silly thing to say. I think European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker deserves the Straight Banana Award of the week for his speech, in which he said English was becoming less significant as a language in Europe following Brexit. Juncker rather sums up everything which is wrong with the European Commission: outdated and backward. English is the language of the internet and technology, so does high-tech no longer have a place in Europe in the eyes of Juncker? English, like it or not, is the international language.

But the European Commission president was just taking a swipe at Britain over Brexit. Behave Juncker, the people of Britain voted to leave the European Union not Europe. Britain will continue to be a leading international figure in Europe but thankfully not Juncker's idea of Europe. It must also be said that millions of English, Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish gave their lives in two World Wars to free Europe from tyranny, so Juncker should perhaps measure his words carefully. The thousands of British, Canadian and US troops who came ashore in occupied France during the D-Day landings wouldn't be too impressed to see their language being belittled by a future European leader who can make such outrageous remarks only because of their sacrifices during World War 2.

Now, while I understand that there is an element of anger in the European Union and Commission following the Brexit vote, this should not in any way cloud Britain's track record in Europe. It is a nation which has stood by Europe twice in the last 100 years, in two World Wars. The Brexit negotiations should be about understanding not cheap swipes. If English as a language is no longer significant in Europe, then perhaps Juncker should stop speaking it. Few are listening anyhow.