07/05/2017 00:00
What a silly man and what a silly thing to say. I think European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker deserves the Straight Banana Award of the week for his speech, in which he said English was becoming less significant as a language in Europe following Brexit. Juncker rather sums up everything which is wrong with the European Commission: outdated and backward. English is the language of the internet and technology, so does high-tech no longer have a place in Europe in the eyes of Juncker? English, like it or not, is the international language.
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Its rather significanf here!English is Now the Mandated International Language of AviationThe International Civil Aviation Organisation has decreed that from 1 January 2008 all Air Traffic Controllers and Flight Crew Members engaged in or in contact with international flights must be proficient in the English language as a general spoken medium and not simply have a proficiency in standard ICAO Radio Telephony Phraseology.This has important implications for all aircrew and controllers. Those who do not have proficiency must acquire it by that date or risk removal from international flight routes.Silly man.
All Junker is doing is reinforcing our determination to leave the EU as fast as possible and to unite behind a strong and determined leader who stands up against Juncker and his cronies.
What an EXCELLENT Comment from The Editor. Well said Sir !!!. ALL those men and women who died saving Europe in the world wars, will be turning in their graves, at the disgraceful statements of Juncker et al. It totally illustrates why Britain, and the majority of British people want to leave The EU. The sooner, the better. BUT not before these Eurocrats do everything to cause Britain as much grief as possible. They will do their level best to penalize Britain, and MAKE AN EXAMPLE OF THE BRITISH, TO WARD OFF ANY OTHER EU COUNTRY FROM LEAVING THEIR UNION.Also , it will take several years, to sever the EU association. BUT, I am prepared to wait FOR FREEDOM FROM THE EU.
Who give a t,,,s what this clown has to say Europe will be overrun by muslims soon so they will all be speaking dies soon