Corbyn for PM?


Speculation is mounting and many believe that Theresa May will be out of a job by Christmas. This will come as no real surprise after her election debacle. But could Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, really replace her? I think so. Corbyn has gone from zero to hero in six months and he does look like a leader in waiting. Labour's view on Brexit is far more realistic than the Conservatives. Their approach is a transition period so that British business can soften the blow of leaving the single market. The Conservatives appear willing to cut and run from the European Union despite the obvious dangers to the British economy.

Now, Corbyn only looks like a leader in waiting because his opponent, Theresa May, is so poor. Corbyn or May couldn't hold a candle to former prime ministers Tony Blair or Margaret Thatcher or even, to a lesser extent, David Cameron. But at the moment that is all Britain has got. I feel that both the government and the opposition should be united on Brexit, which they are not. May foolishly called a general election to strengthen her hand in the bargaining with the European Union. It backfired but she should try and find unity on this issue with all because it is vital to the very prosperity of Britain.

At least Corbyn will bring some unity. His view on Brexit is far closer to the Liberal Democrats and Scottish Nationalists than the Conservatives. Also, I think that there should be debate on Brexit in Britain. The referendum was focused on whether Britain wanted to leave the European Union, but do the British people really want Britain to leave the single market which would dent the British economy? There is plenty of work still to do but at the moment the man who everyone thought was a no-hoper is in line for the top job in Britain. Amazing how things can change overnight in politics. May falls, Corbyn rises.