Catalonia and the EU


You would have thought that the European Union would have had something to say about the crisis in Catalonia. In fact, not even 50,000 people marching past their door calling for independence prompted a response. As far as the European Union is concerned it is an internal Spanish matter and they can’t get involved. To some extent they are right but to some extent they are wrong. Surely a dispute of this scale and size demands at least a comment from the European Union.

I would say that the EU would be a good body to mediate in the dispute between nationalists who want independence and the Spanish government. At the moment Spain is awaiting the outcome of local elections in Catalonia. Polls say that pro-union political parties will win, but the problem isn’t going to go away. Catalonia is effectively split between those wanting independence and those who want to stay a part of Spain. The Spanish governmet is never going to bring both sides together, so perhaps the European Union should be given an opportunity.

Someone needs to do something because the crisis in Catalonia has hit the Spanish economy and also political activity not connected with Catalonia has come to a standstill. The European Union cannot sit on the fence any longer. This is not just some minor dispute involving a member state. It is a crisis involving a major Spanish province with a bigger economy than Portugal.