

An issue which has been quietly forgotten is the promise made by former prime minister David Cameron to give British citizens living abroad the vote for life. At the moment only British citizens who have lived outside Britain for less than 15 years have got the vote. Some British citizens were furious that they were unable to vote in the European Union referendum and there was an outcry from Scottish residents that they couldn't have their say in the Scottish referendum. It appears that the British government is not going to do anything about votes for British citizens abroad until well after the issue of Brexit is resolved.

So, should British citizens have the vote for life? Well it is a difficult question. I believe that you should be able to vote in the country where you reside and therefore British citizens should be able to vote in Spanish general elections. But having said that there are some who say that decisions made by the British government are always going to have a direct impact on all British citizens, regardless of where they live so therefore British citizens should always keep their vote. Some people have claimed that if expats had been able to vote in the EU referendum the "Stay camp" would have received the majority of their votes. This is also not the case. British expats were split over Brexit in the same way as their counterparts in Britain. The vote is important but if you do not reside in a country, perhaps you shouldn't be able to have a say.