Palma14/04/2018 00:00
Does the British parliament need to have its say on whether or not Britain can attack targets in Syria as punishment for the alleged chemical weapons attack? Well, the simple answer is yes. If Theresa May goes ahead without parliamentary support she would be effectively committing political suicide because the majority of the British people are opposed to any military action. Convincing parliament that the Assad regime should be punished through military action could take months.
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I totally disagree with going in. We believe all the twisted media information. Sunni and Shia Muslims have always battled for control in the Middle East. We Westerners have waded in to these areas, because of the wealth of gas and petroleum reserves. We do not understand that their Democracy is different to ours. Syria was a stable country, with women educated. If the West had never meddled in the Middle East - how would the world be today?
You talk a load of crap how the hell do you know what the majority want I for one agree with the attack , Salisbury is enough to start solving this problem because if you don’t the next attack will be on an even bigger scale , you go and face the affected people especially the children and say we could have stopped this but I thought I’d let a few more of you get gassed first Just like corbyn would do ??,,,
In fast moving situations like this its easy to find oneself behind the curve as Jason does now with his comments. I agree with May's decision, go in quick and fast, supporting our allies. No time to wait for a bunch of overinflated egos to huff and puff. They are never going to see the important intel because its secret. Thats the cabinets job, look assess and decide which is what they did. The UK has to decide where it is in the world, remain a player on the main stage or retreat to being a small fairly insignificant country that doesnt stand up to agressors and tyrants. At least that way we can save money - follow Jeremy. Scrap Trident,scrap the carriers, bring all the boys home. Lots of money to spend on the NHS and time to spend with our friends and neighbours. That is if we can find any friends to cosy up to, having just left the biggest club in town.
I fully agree.not only that but fanatics within could start another campaign of bombing in the UK.