Illegal selling


Palma city council are taking a rather soft line on street vendors. The start of the summer season will see the tourist spots around the city full of what could be described as illegal vendors. The police have called on the local government and the city council to help them stamp out illegal street vending which obviously breaks the law. The city council seem prepared to turn a blind eye to it. I believe the council has two options: try and stamp it out completely or try and bring the traders in line with the law. This is not going to be an easy task. Plenty of paperwork would be required but the law is the law. If I owned a shop in Palma, paying my taxes and employing staff legally, I would not be best pleased to see illegal vendors taking away my profits. I am sure that many of the top brands are not too impressed to see "cheap copies" of their latest models being sold cheaply and on the streets.

The time has come for action. The council must enforce the law. It will not be an easy problem to overcome. In Playa de Palma the problem of illegal street vending has become very serious despite the best efforts of the police. Calvia council have done their best to try and outlaw illegal vendors from their resorts. The local authorities should unite as one and broadcast a clear message: illegal street vendors are not wanted and unless they are prepared to try and legalise their situation then they should be prepared for heavy fines or even arrest by the police.