Illegal selling
Palma city council are taking a rather soft line on street vendors. The start of the summer season will see the tourist spots around the city full of what could be described as illegal vendors. The police have called on the local government and the city council to help them stamp out illegal street vending which obviously breaks the law. The city council seem prepared to turn a blind eye to it. I believe the council has two options: try and stamp it out completely or try and bring the traders in line with the law. This is not going to be an easy task. Plenty of paperwork would be required but the law is the law. If I owned a shop in Palma, paying my taxes and employing staff legally, I would not be best pleased to see illegal vendors taking away my profits. I am sure that many of the top brands are not too impressed to see "cheap copies" of their latest models being sold cheaply and on the streets.
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Just a reminder to those of you who believe in deportation ( something I don’t disagree with ) that Angela Merkel is STILL in power, mainly due to winning more votes, in conjunction with other parties, than those who opposed her policies.
The folks at the town hall claim it is hard to stamp this out. Why? We are an island for goodness sake. Illegal goods come in either by ferry or by air. If I know where to find the traders, surely the police do as well. I could stamp this out in 5 minutes. It's not rocket science. Having the bleeding heart Més and Podemos not only support these traders by wanting to train them or set up safe zones to sell their goods is crazy. Who do these politicians think pay their wages? Tax paying businesses or illegal sellers selling illegal and counterfeit goods? The sellers show no respect and will come into terrazas and even restaurants to sell their goods, harassing customers. I have spoken to the waiters at Bar Bosch and they say if the police will not do anything, how can they. So the BIG question here is why are local politicians defending them? I would love the big brands like Louis Vuitton, Nike and Cartier to launch a lawsuit against these politicians. After all if they are supporting it, they are also condoning it and that should not be. My only hope is that in the next elections, these bleeding heart politicians are thrown out and replaced by people who truly have the interests of the residents and the legal sellers foremost in their thoughts.
Why do you use the expression “could be described as illegal vendors”. They are illegal, and for the sake of the tourist and legal shopkeepers they must be removed either by imprisonment or deportation.
S : some members of the town hall are not only not hindering illegal street trading but actively promoting it, possibly because their racial roots are similar to those who are involved in the “business”
A lot of the illegal goods on sale are dangerous, i.e. sunglasses and can do more harm than if they were not even worn. One only has one pair of eyes, so look after them buying genuine products. I have never, and would never buy from these non tax paying crooks. Perhaps even the large multi national manufactures should sue these crooks for selling fake goods, and try to put a stop of this practice for good.
Not only are we hassled in the street by the illegal vendors. I have often seen them weaving their way between tables, trying to sell their wares in bars, cafes and restaurants - with the proprietors usually turning a blind eye. I like to enjoy my coffee or food in peace and do not feel comfortable in places where this occurs. The law should be enforced in the interest of residents and visitors alike.
Why does Mallorca ,and its Authorities allow this illegal street selling, from unregistered traders. The illegal prostitution and associated muggings, have not been stopped. With legal Traders being subjected to numerous legal business requirements, the local Councils are failing them, and the Tourists. Why are all these illegal people not arrested and deported ?.Using their ill gotten gains, to pay for their deportation removal