Palma04/05/2018 00:00
The countdown to Brexit is now well and truly under way but there are some big question marks on a series of issues which need to be resolved sooner rather than later. If British tourists are required to get a visa to travel to Spain, then this must be made clear at once because it will be a long process and will have a big impact on tourists visiting Spain. There is speculation that visas, which will cost around seven euros, will be required by the Spanish authorities. The Spanish ministry for tourism is fighting against the move but ultimately the decision will be made in Brussels and not Madrid.
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I just knew that this article must have been written by yourself Jason. It shows a backward working mentality from a lifetime living on a tiny island and not working in a "worldwide trading world".I would love the EU to slap on something like this - then the British public would rise up like a Bulldog and stop visiting Europe and buying products manufactured in Europe. Let Europe crumble in the next economic recession and the UK fly with independent worldwide trade deals.Above is such a childish report reflecting the sentiment of why many voted for the UK to have there independence back from a crippling, backward Brussels.The EU appears to wish to remain the most stilted Economic World area or at least Brussels do whilst receiving their ridiculous MEP salaries, expense accounts and pensions.
Brussels will and do dictate to Spain on any issues they choose. Spain gave up it’s sovereignty when it joined the EU. If Spanish citizens want to have self government again, then leaving the EU is the only answer. It’s not scary, it’s sensible.
Brett :- it isn’t Spain, it’s Brussels!
Why would UK citizens need visas? Many countries around the world grant UK citizens automatic visiting visas for no charge valid for 3 months. If Spain wants to charge for visas it is only a money making exercise.