Anti-tourism reporting


The British tabloids are full of reports about so-called anti-tourism sentiment on the island. I would just like to tell my redtop and non-redtop colleagues that I haven't witnessed any of this sentiment at all. Reading some of the reports in the British press you get the impression that tourists are almost under siege. It is complete nonsense and really the local authorities should complain. The slight backlash against tourism is not against tourism at all, more a case of anger at how overcrowded the island becomes during the summer months.

Yes, over the last two years Majorca has enjoyed record holiday seasons as a result of the security concerns surrounding some resorts in the eastern Mediterranean and north Africa. This problem has now eased and tourists have returned to those holiday destinations. So really, Majorca should not suffer from too much "overcrowding".

What the local authorities must realise is that any new legislation which they introduce is going to be picked up by the media in northern Europe. The tourist tax and the curb on holiday rentals in Palma are always going to be termed as "anti-tourism". This is not the case at all. The tourist tax was introduced to increase the coffers of the Balearic government as a result of their funding dispute with Madrid and the curb on holiday rentals came about so that there were more rental properties for local residents. All quite innocent really.