More Brexit anxiety


Full marks to the British ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley, for trying to ease some of the fears of expat Britons in Spain as the Brexit deadline draws nearer. These are difficult times and of course there is a fine line between warning of the possible consequences of Brexit and adding yet more fuel to the fire of worry which has engulfed many expats. I do believe that a deal will be struck because a no-deal Brexit will not be good for Britain or the European Union. Also, I do not believe that the Spanish authorities are going to allow the hundreds of thousands of British expats to be in the lurch if there is no deal. Obviously the government needs to prepare for the worst-case scenario, but as I said in this space yesterday it could also be a question of scaremongering to bring the country out in support of the "Chequers Agreement" which is opposed by many Conservative members of parliament.

I sincerely wish that the British government could throw more light on the status of British citizens living in the European Union after Brexit because it must be causing plenty of worry in many households. For the time being there is nothing to do but wait and see. I know that many British nationals are looking at the possibility of becoming Spanish citizens because of Brexit because it will make their lives easier. Perhaps this is the final scenario. It is disgraceful really that there are no more answers. But who would have thought three years ago that Britain would be leaving the European Union?