Vote please


If a second referendum on whether Britain should leave the European Union ever takes place the one million British citizens living on the continent should be able to have their say.

Three years ago “Brits abroad” were blocked from voting in the referendum; this was an outrageous decision from the British government because it effectively meant that those Britons who would be most affected by Brexit were unable to vote in the all important referendum. Let us face it, for the last three years Britons living abroad have been deeply concerned about their future status and whether they would be still eligible for free medical care.

Some British expats have headed back to Britain, others have opted to change their nationality. A ridiculous state of affairs. I suspect that one of the reasons why Britons were not allowed to vote in the referendum was the perception that most would have voted to stay. This was certainly not the case three years ago but I suspect that after the nightmare of the last three years many will have changed their vote intention.

If the British government truly believes in democracy then they must ensure that everyone gets the vote not only those who have lived outside Britain for less than fifteen years. Brexit was meant to have been an exercise in democracy but it was democracy for some, a snub for others.

While the Foreign Office has done a fantastic job in keeping Britons up-to-date on Brexit the politicians have failed us in London.