Palma09/10/2019 09:13
The European Union has accused Prime Minister Boris Johnson of messing around over Brexit. I think the same accusation could be levelled at the European Union. It looks as if Johnson wants Britain to crash out without a deal and the European Union wants to fan the flames and get a second referendum which it hopes will reverse the result of the original one. So really both sides are playing games.
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Not yet Mike. As the saying here goes ‘don’t say “wheat” until it’s in the sack and you’ve tied a tight knot’!
It will be a Pyrrhic victory Nick.
There is no point in having a blame game. We are where we are. The EU insisted we agreed the Leaving Terms whilst refusing to discuss a future trade agreement. All the pain but none of the goodies for both sides could hardly win over many people who had strong feelings one way or the other. Everybody is fed up and sick of 3.5 years of meaningless discussions which wont be solved by delaying our leaving. We will not change our minds as we are leaving despite the ridiculous efforts of the Establishment to prove that Leavers were ignorant, racist and didn't know what they were voting for. Oh yes we did and we are leaving by the end of this month. I hope the EU seem sense and agree to some issues as they will never agree to all of them..
Yes, the beginning of victory.
I cannot agree with that view Jason you offer no evidence to back up your claim, merely saying that the EU could have done more or been more vocal. Furthermore the Brexiteers barely touched the Ireland issue during the referendum and when raised by Remainers or anyone who bothered to assess the real consequences of leaving were accused of peddling project fear. To blame Europe for no deal is totally ignoring the real fault. Lies, misinformation and anti-european hysteria whipped up by the brexiteer brigade, and woefully countered by a weak and lethargic remain campaign. This is all of Britain's doing, but the consequences of whatever happens will affect many beyond. As Churchill said (paraphrasing here) "this is only the end of the beginning".
Don't count your chickens. Brexit is only just beginning. Don't forget that this process is just about the withdrawal process, nothing to do with the future trading arrangements with the EU or any other country. Many commentators predict that the process could last up to 15 years more to get agreements in place, if previous negotiations are any kind of a guide. Buckle up, we've only just got started with this.