
Noisy Alcudia

There have been numerous complaints about noise from the fair in Alcudia. | CURRO VIERA


When asked if they had enjoyed their trip to the Alcudia Fair last Saturday, a German couple of my acquaintance didn’t exactly reply positively. Yes, the fair was good, but it was oh so noisy. I have heard similar complaints since. The noise to which they were referring was coming from the fairground, the rides and what have you.

The town hall had in fact sent a letter to operators of attractions to keep the noise down. It had been asked to do this by a group of families with autistic children. The lowering of the volume was, however, only meant to have been between midday and one o’clock and from 6pm to 7pm on both the Saturday and the Sunday. Perhaps the town hall will need to consider greater restrictions in the future.