Brexit Blues


Another Brexit delay, yet more uncertainty. Almost 40 months after the Brexit referendum and still Britain is a member of the European Union and there is no deal in sight, or so it appears. It looks as if the British parliament will never agree on a deal so perhaps the time has come for some bold action.

Perhaps the time has come for a new referendum asking the British public if they want a complete withdrawal from the European Union or they want to remain part of the European Union´s Customs Union or other treaties. The initial referendum only asked whether Britain should leave the European Union. The British public should be given two options: in but out of the European Union Customs or out completely. Then at least Members of Parliament would know what sort of Brexit the British public want.

After three years of negotiations it is obvious that the single Leave or Stay question was not enough. Also, a new referendum might even deliver the political will to deliver Brexit which is sadly missing at the moment.

I think it is quite obvious that no one thought that the whole Brexit process would be so difficult and there would have been so many issues to take into account from Northern Ireland to tarrifs and taxes.

The British public deserve better and Britain can´t continue to remain in this Brexit nightmare. Decisive action needs to be taken sooner rather than later because there is a possibility that Brexit could last for years.