Palma09/12/2019 09:53
Millions of people will go to the polls in Britain next week in an election which will decide the future of the United Kingdom for years to come.
Millions of people will go to the polls in Britain next week in an election which will decide the future of the United Kingdom for years to come.
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If you do not live in this country or pay Taxes here, why should you have the right to vote here? You chose to live in Majorca and your efforts should be to obtain a vote there.
If I had a choice between voting in the country I left, and voting in the one I live work and pay taxes in, I would choose the latter. Unfortunately I don't get a choice and actually I don't get to vote in either. As a fully functioning legal resident who pays taxes and contributes to society it's a scandal that I, and millions like me, are not represented by democracy anywhere, and never ever will unless something changes.
Why should you be entitled to vote if you do not live in the country.