
"Useless certificate..."


The so-called “green residence certificate” for European Union citizens in Spain has never been popular with foreign residents. Infact, it was named the “useless certificate” because as it does not include a photograph it is not an identity document.

In Spain, by law, you have to carry an identity document at all times. So in the case of British citizens, their passport was their own form of identification. However, the old style residence permits, which are given to non European Union citizens, do include a photograph. Now, that Britain has left the European Union will British citizens be given the old style residence cards instead of the “Green certificate” which is clearly marked European Union citizens?

I suppose in the long run this will be the case but I suspect it will take time. As far as I am concerned it will be nice to have the old residence cards back because they include a photograph and are valid identification.

British citizens living legally on the island have been told that their status will not change too dramatically, post Brexit, but I am sure that there will be some paperwork changes on the horizon. British citizens can’t have a document which is marked European Union when Britain is no longer a member.

The European Union British passports will also be gradually replaced with the old style dark blue passport in the not too distant future. One thing for sure, Prime Minister Boris Johnson says Britain is moving forward but we are going back to our old documents.