
Flying high


Eearlier this week I visited the Son Bonet aerodrome on the outskirts of Palma. What a fantastic place this aerodrome is and how much potential it has which is sadly not being exploited. Son Bonet is almost like a working museum from its German prewar hangers to its DC-3 Dakota gate guardian.

Everywhere you look there is something of interest. Jonny Greenall, owner of Balearic helicopters which is based at Son Bonet, told me the story of eight giant Russian crop-dusting aircraft which arrived at Son Bonet from Morrocco. Their paperwork was not in order and two of the aircraft are still there today, with one being a gate guardian next to the DC-3. Even the hangars have a great history; they were built prewar by the Germans and are still in excellent condition today and still in use. Anyone who likes aviation would love Son Bonet.

It is a pity that there is not a bar or even a restaurant in the main area where people can enjoy watching aircraft landing and taking off. When I visited, a helicopter which has been chartered to the Balearic government for fire fighting purposes, was busy doing a series of flight exercises much to the delight of the small crowd which had gathered to watch. The DC-3 is a special favourite of mine. She still looks fantastic even though she must be more than 75 years old. She is missing an engine but she is slowly being restored to her former glory. This Second World War aircraft is a bit like Son Bonet; an old classic which still looks great.