
Mixed messages


I am rather confused; should we be worried or very worried? Should I be going out to the supermarket and buying up all the toilet paper and canned baked beans I can find or is it a question of Keep Calm and Carry On and wash my hands regularly in hot water and soap?

There appears to be mixed messages everywhere on what we should or shouldn’t be doing.

The coronavirus is allegedly having an impact on Majorca already, streets are quieter than usual and shopkeepers are complaining about a lack of trade.

There are also big fears over the summer season and the impact the virus could have on our principal industry, tourism. There is concern about the Easter holidays and I would say that most people on the island are worried or very worried. Which leads me to my opening question...what should we doing?

If the coronavirus is as severe as some say then this weekend’s first division clash between Real Mallorca and Barcelona should be postponed because almost 20,000 people will be all together at the Son Moix. Perhaps the local authorities should consider cancelling other events which involve large numbers of people. What we can’t have is so many mixed messages.

Italy is in lockdown...should other countries follow suit until the virus is contained? The coronavirus is not just some isolated incident in some faraway place, it is a global problem. So perhaps the world as one should tackle the problem with one voice and clear statements on the situation.