Imserso is off


The Aviba association of travel agencies in the Balearics wants two provisions from the state budget to subsidise flights for potential holidaymakers from the mainland. The discount would be the same as it currently is for residents in the Balearics - 75%.

One of the sources would be the pot for subsidising the residents’ discount in the Balearics, Canaries, Ceuta and Melilla (a pot which clearly won’t all be required). The other is the 200 million euros that subsidise Imserso holidays for senior citizens. The Imserso programme has been suspended until the end of June.

The government hopes that Spain’s seniors will be able to enjoy their holidays in high season. Hopes, but in reality knows that this is not going to be the case. The government is understood to be considering travel restrictions for older folk, while President Armengol has said that the “last things” that should reopen in the Balearics are the ports and airports.

The tourism hope for the Balearics this summer lies with the national market. Airports may be open to Spanish tourists but not to foreign tourists. Even so, would they be open to all Spaniards?

The regional government would be particularly wary about significant numbers of senior citizens arriving, and this will probably also apply to the Imserso programme which would normally commence in October this year.

Will this situation be any different for the mainland regions that attract Imserso holidaymakers? Not greatly, one suspects. The Imserso cash may as well be used for a different purpose. Imserso is off.