Palma01/05/2020 13:23
It's a chicken and egg syndrome. Hotels will be allowed to open (with the necessary health and safety guidelines) in 10 days time but with the airport effectively closed some hoteliers are saying that there is little point and will stay closed.
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As an ex-pat who lived here I have always hated July and August when all the great unwashed arrive on the Island. I usually load up on food and booze at the beginning of July and re-appear in early Sept, so lockdown is normal for me. We will lose a majority of restaurants and bars but I have to say I am looking forward to the peace and quiet and emoty beaches this summer. It will be bliss.
For as much as i love Majorca and the people and been going there since 1977 there is something i have got to say about some of the people that stay in Palma. These are the ones that have been advocating over the past few years to get rid of the UK and German tourists they do not want them in their country and having rallies and so on to put their points over. Unfortunately this has come sooner than they thought through this terrible Covid 19 virus. So how do they feel now that no one let alone the UK or German tourists are no longer there. Where has their economy went, how are they making a living., what are they going to do now that they have had a taste of no tourism, go back to fishing, I don't think so. Think again Majorca needs tourism just the same as every country, it adds a great amount to the economy and keeping people employed. So think again about all of your demonstrations we are in this together.
we will not going back to Majorca if there is a tourist tax.