
Person of the week, boos and cheers

Catalina Cladera. | Pere Bota


Person of the week

... was the president of the Council of Majorca, Catalina Cladera. At a time of tourism collapse, she explained in an interview that she was supportive of "containing tourism". She didn't in so many words say that the island needs to get its hands on as many tourists as possible this year, but she implied this. However, there is a coronavirus before and after, and post-Covid tourism must be sustainable, full of quality and not of the masses. There should no longer be twelve million tourists a year. There is no place for mass tourism, she stated, without giving any indication as to what number she had in mind.

palma terrazas en el centro gente con mascarillas

Three cheers ...

For the obligatory wearing of masks, not that everyone was cheering. No, the cheers were for giving us something else to argue the merits or demerits of and for providing a measure for which we could spend hours of confinement time attempting to figure out how it was supposed to be applied. With everyone heading to the beach on Monday, the beach mask was one particular question. Do you or don't you wear one? Seemingly you do. Can they be serious? Think of the negative impact on a face suntan. And don't even bother thinking about going in the sea with one on.

A big boo ...

For not getting it or for blatantly refusing to even attempt to get it. It was one thing for a few foreign citizens arriving at Palma airport who tried to blag their way in by pretending to be essential health workers (or whatever excuse they gave). It was another for a bar in Cartagena, Murcia, which was operating as if they'd never heard of lockdown. The local police turned up on Monday night and counted no fewer than 268 customers plus five members of staff - all of them inside; the place was packed. This bar does apparently have some form, but regardless of previous irregularities, the town hall ordered it to be closed.