
Best behaviour


The old adage that rules are there to be broken doesn't appear to apply to the Balearics. To be honest I am quite amazed how government guidelines which have been introduced to counter the coronavirus are being followed in the islands and the people of the Balearics deserve praise. Everyone is wearing a mask and the smoking ban is being well respected. All this and not a police officer in sight. Spain had a reputation of always trying to flout the rules but not when it comes to the coronavirus.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez sent the population into lockdown in March and everyone stayed at home. Only when the lockdwn was lifted did people start to emerge from their homes. The Balearic government introduced further restrictions yesterday which includes a mobility ban in some areas. This will be a nightmare for some people living in these areas but I suspect that it will be respected.

There is no sign anywhere of people flouting the rules. Granted that the heavy fines which can be enforced are a good deterrent but the Balearics should be proud of the way people arebehaving. I was quite amazed to read this summer that the only people who were not wearing face masks were foreign tourists. The people of the Balearics clearly got the message that the measures which have been introduced are there to keep people safe. The attitude of the general public is certainly one of the few good points in what is a terrible situation.