It just makes you wonder where all this is going to an end. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez wants a six month curfew for Spain in the government´s latest move to combat the coronavirus. The curfew will have enormous repercussions for the bar and restaurant trade and could effectively dent any revival in the tourist industry in the near future. Patience is starting to run thin with the Spanish government,who like their counterparts across the globe, seem incapable of finding a solution to the pandemic. Sanchez rightly took us into lock down in March but wrongly brought us out in May.

It might have been an idea to introduce a curfew then, not now. I watched in amazement on Sunday night as Palma cleared at 10.30p.m., it was last orders at 10p.m. and then home as clearly as you can. An eerie silence came over the city. The bars and restaurants along the Paseo Mallorca closed and that was it. Thank you and goodnight.

We are certainly living in strange times, so strange that you have to pinch yourself that you are not in the midst of a nightmare. Who would have ever thought that a country like Spain would have to change its living and eating habits because of a curfew. I must admit all the people I saw were in no mood to challenge the government´s curfew, it was home just a bit earlier than usual. But Sanchez is becoming deeply unpopular and unless he can get all party support for his six month curfew it could come to an end earlier rather than later.