Holidays on hold

No point talking tourist season at the moment

Scrap the tourist tax at least in the short term


I know that tourism is our livelihood and it would be fantastic if we could restart welcoming tourists again, but talk of reviving the industry now is just wishful thinking and a complete waste of time.

I can´t see the much publicised safe air corridors being introduced any time soon especially in the present circumstances. Let us remember that Manacor is in lockdown, a curfew has been introduced across the Balearics, face coverings must be worn at all times, the number of coronavirus cases continues to rise and the government is threatening to introduce even further restrictions.

This is not exactly the criteria that you want in a holiday destination. For the time being the Balearic government and authorities across the globe just need to concentrate on dealing with the coronavirus. As I have said in this space before, what the local government could do now is start planning for the future, once all the restrictions are lifted. The first thing they should be doing is scrapping the tourist tax, at least in the short-term. Also, they should be looking at way to help bars, restaurants and hotels survive the coronavirus tsunami. Some governments have slashed the VAT rate for restaurants and bars which is certainly a way forward and perhaps similar action in the Balearics should be considered. These are very difficult times for everyone but for the moment the tourist industry just needs to take a step back and wait until the sun starts shining again.