Letters to the Editor

"Tourists come home"


Dear Sir

“Tourists go home” is a graffiti slogan that, pre-Covid days, you could chance upon around the island. Whoever wrote this slogan was clearly not a part of the vast majority of working Mallorquines who derive their income from tourism, directly or indirectly, and who are now suffering from the pandemic’s restrictions on travel. It was a stupid slogan then and it’s even more so now. Rather than tourists go home we should be signposting “tourists come home” as our slogan to build-back tourism and attract holidaymakers, cruisers and long weekenders who many seemingly had come to take for granted. The islands’ retail stores, restaurants, bars and attractions cannot survive on the custom of locals alone. We need the spending of tourists if the island is to overcome the after effects of Covid and we need them quickly. The Ministry of Tourism has pledged newly enriched budgets for ad campaigns but will that be enough in the face of tough competition from other Med destinations?

So I have an idea. If like me you are concerned by the increasing retail closures and business bankruptcies and want to see the island restored to former glory days and for Palma to return to being our vibrant and lively capital city, there is something we can do. We can all act as mini tourism promoters to get the message out there that Mallorca is open for business and tourists are welcome. If you have an Instagram, Facebook or similar social media feeds, go ahead and post pictures and content of Mallorca at its best. While most of northern Europe is already in thermals we have great weather, beautiful locations and welcoming people. Post these images and sell the island. For those nations coming out of their second lockdowns we can offer a destination to enjoy. So let’s get posting because as a well-known supermarket likes to say, every little bit helps!

Chris Ogilvie-Taylor
