Serious situation

Serious situation in Mallorca


IT had been widely expected. The measures which were announced by the Balearic government yesterday are pretty radical and some would say that they have effectively banned Christmas.

My thoughts go out to all those who work in a bar or restaurant. But I suppose we were warned. For the Balearic government to take such radical action the situation must be very serious. The number of Covid cases in Mallorca has been steadily rising over the last few weeks. Everything has been blamed from Black Friday shopping to the Christmas lights for the alarming increase in cases.

The local government, in fairness, had little option but to take action but you couldn’t really say that they had the situation under control. OK, you can always be wise with the benefit of hindsight but I would say that the local authorities should have introduced more restrictions earlier rather than later.

I know that the local government was under great economic and social pressure, but I think that reversing their initial decision on the curfew (first announcing it would be at 11pm then changing it to 12p.m.) was rather short sighted. Perhaps, there should have been even greater control over shoppers during Black Friday. Whatever the answers we are now in a difficult situation, probably the biggest since lockdown. I think we all have a duty to follow the governments rules and regulations and hopefully we will be able to come through this nightmare state of affairs.