My column
Joy and pain for English sport
ENGLAND’S abject performance against Scotland, the worst they have ever played under the coaching of Eddie Jones, their first defeat by the Scots at Twickenham for 38 years, brought acute misery to the country’s long-suffering sports fans. A friend who saw it with me refused to watch yesterday’s game against Italy (even though England were pretty certain to win that one). My brother-in-law said he turned the TV off to save himself further punishment.
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Awa' and boil yer heid Donald!
Alan Cochrane, Telegraph columnist, and SNP basher since Jesus was a boy, as a "respected political commentator"? You are having a laugh Donald. Sturgeon remains, as opinion polls attest, the most admired politician in Britain, thanks to her empathetic nature, communications fluency and received trustworthiness. Her government is about to be voted in, yet again, with around 50% of the vote, so we must be fools to be wanting such an incompetent administration...or was that your point? With every opinion poll for the last eighteen months (Brexit, Boris Johnston, coincidence?) showing a clear majority in favour of independence, you will of course be looking forward to shaking the hands of your near neighbours as an adjoining European state in the near future, Slainte!
Alan Cochran’s, Telegraph columnist and longtime basher of all things SNP as a “respected political commentator” ? In your dreams Donald. Sturgeon is currently the most widely admired politician in all of Britain and is about to win power for her government once again, this time with around 50% of the vote. We must all be fools if we were to continue for such an appalling administration...or is that your point? As support for Scottish independence has been over 50% for the last fifteen polls you will of course be wishing us well and looking forward to shaking hands with your new European neighbours in a few years. Slainte.